My poster project reflective essay

I was asked to write a poem about my character. then I was told to make personal symbols referencing to my personality. I also had to create my own alphabet and pick out key words from my poem. I had to make jesters with the keywords definitions . Then we had to make a poster with all of the projects from before. I learned about illustration and how the patterns lined around my poster could be used in a book, and a greeting card. I used the same materials from the last project the gradient tool which creates a gradual blend between multiple colors and the pen tool which creates paths with straight segments. I really didn’t follow any steps just went along with any ideas that came to my head. My poster has a beaded pattern outline and a flower in the middle. The pedals of the big flower in the middle contains my flower symbol and My poem which is scattered within the other pedals. I definitely feel my poster fits every aspect of my personality as well as...