Career and College reflection

     The assignment from last week was to find a career you want to pursue and a college you would want to expand your education. we used two websites and College board was used to research on different colleges and majors you would like to pursue and career zone was to find a career the suits your personal preferences. This assignment was To broaden our knowledge on college requirements and regulation. First I went to collegeboard because I already knew what career I was headed.I found out the GPA requirements were higher then expected. I also discover what score is standard for SAT in curtain schools.
     The only reference I made was that I want to be a veterinarian. This project made me  realize that my GPA was lower then my expectation and the college expectation when enroll. I also learned that their are college near by offering the major I want. Your GPA is important because college want to see what type of student you are academically. It shows you school seriously  and that you meet their requirements when you enroll. SAT's are basically enrollment test for all college because they want to know if you are ready for college and meet the standard. I'm very intensive  friendly and optimistic I these aspects about me will help me become a great animal doctor. I plan on being a veterinarian because I love animals and my favorite subject is science. I'm interested in Stony Brooke because it has science programs that are challenging. University of Albany because its social environment and  potential science programs. Delaware university which has a great academic environment which is my third option.
      Being a vet has been a middle-school and high school dream because making animals health and happy make me  feel satisfied with the job I've. Just like a doctors main goal in life is to safe human beings, I get that same feeling for animals. I truly want to end animal cruelty and save victims of this crime. The actions I need to take is to basically time in studying and taking my time in test. I believe if I put enough effort all that want to achieve well happen.


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