My Block NYC Video Project is a interactive website the allows people to capture interesting aspects of their block. these posted videos show the cultivation of the 5 boroughs. This website is a emerging into a portrait of this popular and controversial city. Users upload videos geographically, building the first fully interactive video map of New York City.
  The my block assignment was to video tape primitive moments in NYC. you also allowed to upload videos previously recorded on your cellphone, camera, and video camera. Each video has to be taped outside on a single block. my class was given a camera from the cooperation of my blocknyc and we also had a mentor Brian that gave us pointers and advice when creating this video.     
  • First I was given a outline paper to help us figure out the basic form of our video. 
  • The second step was to tape a least 30 seconds of footage with the camera I was given by an employee of the my blocknyc company,Brian.
  • Then I was require to get 5min worth of footage in order for me to edit and make arrangements to the video.
  • After I was done with collected the footage I was asked to get a new apple account and work on the editing on IMovie.
  • Then once that was over I had to put voice overs and background music for the video.
  • that last step was to create an opening poster for the video and write this reflection.
 This was the first time that we were involve in a collaboration project with such an unique company like MyBlockNYC. This was a big opportunity for my junior class in graphic design 3&4 to get started with a project when dealing with popular companies like MyBlockNYC.

My video is about the people in my life that makes my block interesting, which is "My Familia". Fordham has been my home for about 15 years and their have been exciting moments as well as frightening. Even though there were bad influences outside my block, my mom and dad made sure I never was tempted. They only wanted to show the enjoyable parts of my neighborhood like the street barbeque's and the cool kids like my friends Shantelle and Jada. I wanted to include them in the video but I had no recording of them and they no longer lived on my block. They were part of my family but now my family has grown and I wanted to show the growth instead of looking in the past. My family is something I cherish and never wish to take advantage. Even showing my Spanish culture with my father playing congas and the Hip Hop side which was originally created in the Bronx.Its important for the people to know that your family keeps you humble and motivated to accomplish better then those statistics given to kids living in the Bronx.

  Social change is what I want out of my video is to eliminate those stereotypes people have about the Bronx. This borough is not ghetto or dirty but I will say some people get what they give when it comes up to your neighborhood. While living in the Bronx and analyzing it, made me realize that people can help a neighborhood as well as ruin it. I hope this video would encourage those to visit the Bronx and stop listening to those stereotypes.

The most interesting part of this project was just typing and editing the footage. My computer wouldn't take certain files like my voice overs so I probably convert them first then upload them into the account. I love how my video came out but I do wish I had more time to make it more personal. It made me think of my past and how fortunate I am to live in this neighborhood. the project was well organized and I would do all over again.


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