CUP Projects

    I was asked to create three buttons on voting and the controversy that comes with it. We used illustrator to create the buttons and ms. Carol sent us an outline for the buttons through Gmail.
First we had to figure out what concern we had with voting as teenagers. Then we answered questions like do you think immigrants should vote or convicted felons. We were also asked if teenagers should vote and if we were OK with certain restrictions when it came to voting.After that I just started working on my buttons. This project was to educate us on the process of voting and how this is a serious job we have when growing up to be adults.
    In order to vote you must be 18 years of age and you have to be a citizen. If you are an Immigrant without a green card you are not qualified to vote. You are not qualified to vote if you have criminal charges against you. I feel the voting system is fair and reasonable, there is only one thing I would change. I feel if you are in the process of getting your papers to become a citizen you should be able vote. this project made me more excited when it comes to voting. Even though realize the process to vote is much more complicated then I though, it still exciting. I would definitely let immigrants who aspire to get their green card have I vote considering the big population.
  Civic engagement is any type of participation from an Individual when Identifying a problem or  issue within the community. My buttons definitely addressed that fact that many immigrants are being excluded when voting, mean while they should have the right to vote without all this precaution, their not criminals just hard working people. I truly feel as a graphic designer that it is my duty to speak for those that are perplexed when expressing their opinion. Even showing that one piece of art or design can truly tell a simple deceleration. The concern I have it's toward the lack of fear from the parents and the government  that more then 15 school are being closed. Many kids like me will no longer be enrolled in school because of the neglect given to the students and teachers. We should start getting parents involve as well as the mayor Bloomberg.
    I really feel this project truly didn't give us much to expand our input into certain matter of contention in our community. The project was more associated with voting but not problems in our society. When we Interviewed the people from Turbo vote I realized that they really didn't plan to be apart of something so essential. That made me realize that I should observe were my transformation into an adult will lead me. If I'm destine to do something great it will come gradually and this project made me want to become something more then a vet but a doctor or nurse helping people in need.
    This project was enjoyable because we were introduce to new people like  Nontsikelelo and the people from Turbo Vote. the Difficulties I faced were to find the moral of what my buttons were trying to express and how to symbolise it. I always made my obstacles advantages when completing this project. I'm an artist that never regrets any decisions and if I make a mistake I'll make it part of my design. This project really didn't effect me personally life because my family vote's every election with no problem. I hope next time we make buttons on concerns we have on my generations problems.


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