
Showing posts from 2013

Please Help

I reached 300 page views and my goal is to get more. Recently I've been overly passionate about filming a documentary but I don't know what the moral story will be about. I'm asking my page viewers for some suggestions. This will be extremely helpful, because this earth is filled with different ethnicity, and stories. All I want to do is to showcase it and film it. Thanks  P.S Email: you can email me your ideas 

End of the year reflection

I wasn't really expecting anything different from this class. I've been in graphic design since I was in middle school  and I though it would be the same as my freshman and sophomore year. This class was more of a challenge and elaborate. learned more about using Photoshop and IMovie which were hard software to work with. This class was also less demanding, I felt Ms.Carol and Marlyn help us explore of mind which help with my art. This class failed my expectations because I assumed it would be easy and less complicated. I loved that there were different assignments some I enjoy more then others. I felt it was organized and I wasn't expecting it considering the latest graphic design class I took felt random. Well working with Photoshop was toil and I really was frustrated with this software and how it  operates. I learned by taking my time and I kinda learned from my mistakes. Naming and organizing my layers was difficult because I was comfortable with working on 2 to 3...

Map Proposal

My map theme is basically to show the origin of music in the 5 boroughs of New York City. Certain music was created or brought up in the 5 boroughs of NYC. Hip Hop of course was made in the Bronx. My point of you to this map is probably going to be personal, my mom is always speaking to me about the different music played in the 50s and the 80s. My grandfather is always talking about how music has change for the worse and maybe he is right. I feel that these new musician or artist of the new generation has forgotten the whole point of music which was to give a political view on your life and neighborhood but expressing it in a different way like a rap or a song. Music is about speaking the truth no matter what the people like and music doesn't always have to be about drugs, sex or even Gang violence. You could speak of the good in your neighborhood and the country you live in or lived.    I'm planning to ask the people in my neighborhood were music had began for them. I'm ...

My Block NYC Video Pictures

My dad playing the Congas My video poster The Fordham statue which is featured in the Video

My Block NYC Video Project is a interactive website the allows people to capture interesting aspects of their block. these posted videos show the cultivation of the 5 boroughs. This website is a emerging into a portrait of this popular and controversial city. Users upload videos geographically, building the first fully interactive video map of New York City.   The my block assignment was to video tape primitive moments in NYC. you also allowed to upload videos previously recorded on your cellphone, camera, and video camera. Each video has to be taped outside on a single block. my class was given a camera from the cooperation of my blocknyc and we also had a mentor Brian that gave us pointers and advice when creating this video.      First I was given a outline paper to help us figure out the basic form of our video.  The second step was to tape a least 30 seconds of footage with the camera I was given by an employee of the my blocknyc company,Brian. Then I wa...

CUP Projects

    I was asked to create three buttons on voting and the controversy that comes with it. We used illustrator to create the buttons and ms. Carol sent us an outline for the buttons through Gmail. First we had to figure out what concern we had with voting as teenagers. Then we answered questions like do you think immigrants should vote or convicted felons. We were also asked if teenagers should vote and if we were OK with certain restrictions when it came to voting.After that I just started working on my buttons. This project was to educate us on the process of voting and how this is a serious job we have when growing up to be adults.     In order to vote you must be 18 years of age and you have to be a citizen. If you are an Immigrant without a green card you are not qualified to vote. You are not qualified to vote if you have criminal charges against you. I feel the voting system is fair and reasonable, there is only one thing I would change. I...


                                      Voting Survey      In order for you to be qualified to vote you must be an american citizen and 18 years old. When you register to vote you must bring your registration card or some may registered online. Voting is important because it gives us a choice of who is going to protect us and keep us involved in the government. We the people need to vote in order for us to strive for the future of this country and society.The presidential vote is important but voting for the senate and mayor is significant for your community. The Mayor has control of the children's education and has onsite in police office's in the city. Even the protection and funds of the city to make sure we are financially growing. The senate writes laws like the gun control  and many suggestion when fixing unemployment rate. They repr...

Career and College reflection

     The assignment from last week was to find a career you want to pursue and a college you would want to expand your education. we used two websites and College board was used to research on different colleges and majors you would like to pursue and career zone was to find a career the suits your personal preferences. This assignment was To broaden our knowledge on college requirements and regulation. First I went to collegeboard because I already knew what career I was headed.I found out the GPA requirements were higher then expected. I also discover what score is standard for SAT in curtain schools.      The only reference I made was that I want to be a veterinarian. This project made me  realize that my GPA was lower then my expectation and the college expectation when enroll. I also learned that their are college near by offering the major I want. Your GPA is important because college want to see w...