My 4 Identity symbols reflective eassy

We were asked to create symbols that represent who we are or want to be . We had to make  an animal symbol, tool symbol ,person symbol and a flower symbol. We were allowed to use two colors as well as black and white . As a graphic designer I learn different skills and in this project I realized you need a blueprint of your ideas and  your characteristics  . I used pen,and gradient which are tools from Illustrator.The colors I used for my symbols was pink ,grey, black and white. My animal symbol was first then my flower symbol was second because I kinda had an Idea for these two tasks. My animal symbol is a white puppy  that has  spiky hair and one ear is black and the other is grey like a  DALMATIAN. My flower symbol is a  blossom with pink peddles  and  blackish stars in the middle. My person symbol wasn't  really a person it was a dog's head with a white doctors coat and black pinkish converse, my favorite. My tool symbol is a stethoscope with a life line wire and a heart in the middle and  it's gray, black and white.                                                                              

A symbol is a thing that represents or stands for something else, esp. a material object representing something abstract.The process of figuring out  what I was going to do was simple Finding things I love to do in life and personal experiences to define my personal identity with my symbols. I took my future career being a vet and a present flower that represents the after life in japan an animal that I was close to a dog name Milo and a tool that can hear a special instrument your heart. Finding an animal symbol was easy for me because I love dogs which is a major part of my life. I had at least 6 dogs in my life and all left a footprint in memory and heart. I made the dog white because my dog Precious is white and she has a cute black nose. My flower symbol was also simple I remembered watching this documentary on Japan called Tsunami& Cherry Blossoms it broke my heart and gave me a bigger meaning of this beautiful flower. The pain they had suffered in the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami was unimaginable. The crazy part was that it struck before the beginning of the cherry blossom season. since I'm going to be a veterinarian, collaborating  that into my person symbol was pretty easy. The heart is the most interesting body part including its sound so I used a stethoscope because you can hear the heart Beat of person and an animal clear.The colors I chose were based on the colors I felt mixed well with all the designs.      
                                                                                                                                                                  the 4 symbol Project was fun and exciting  for me Because I put my  personality in my art and explored my mined in many ways. In Graphic Design I realized that I could continue my art in a second job. I'm very familiar with the software their wasn't anything hard or new for me, only  pathfinder . I learned that if I stick to something and take my time it will become great and better then expected. It was easy to pick the symbols but picking colors for all four symbols was difficult since they were different. My problem was changing the background and using pathfinder since this was the first time I used it. 

Well using the layers was the most important part  in this project you needed a lot of layers for you to move or change the symbols features. This is something I would use in real life take each layer of any math problem or physics to get the right answer. Therapeutics used the layer Idea in finding cures it takes time and effort and movement to find the right ingredients to get a cure to anything just like a math problem.


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